Anger Management Class


Anger, a normal emotions, might feel powerful as it takes control of a situation but angry actions are what get people in trouble. This class will help you understand anger and what to do when it seems like it is out of control.

This class is suitable for adults and juveniles.

4-Hour Anger Management Class: $35.00 Enroll Here

8-Hour Anger Management Class: $45.00 Enroll Here

12-Hour Anger Management Class: $55.00 Enroll Here

Topics covered: Anger Management Self-Scoring Assessment, Controlling Anger, Personal Responsibility, Anger Management Techniques, Conflict Management, Assertive vs. Aggressive, Family Conflict, Setting Boundaries and more.

This is an easy class with audio, no reading. Upon completing the program your official certificate will be available for print plus we will also email it to you for your records. Don't miss work or school to meet your court requirement. This class provides you stress-free instant access to relevant anger management information.

Complete the class around your schedule 24/7.

Early Intervention Classes for court, school, work or probation